viernes, 15 de enero de 2010

Error de messenger 8e5e05f6

Hem buscat pel maàgic google i hem trobat aquesta sol·lució que funciona perfectament:

1. Enable Hidden Files and Folders:

1. A. Windows XP :
1. a.i. Click on “Start”, click “My Computer”
1. a.ii. On the “Tools” menu, click on “folder options”.
1.a.iii. On the “view” tab, locate “Advanced settings” and then follow these steps:
Check the option “Show Hidden files and folders”
Clear the option, “Hide protected operating system files check box”.
Clear the option, “Hide file extensions for know file types check box”.
1. a.iv. Click ok and close the window.

1.B. Windows Vista :
1.b.i. Click on “Start”, click “My Computer”
1.b.ii. In the Explorer window, click “Organize”
1.b.iii. Choose “Folder and Search Options”.
1.b.iv. In the folder options window, click on “View” tab
1.b.v. Select the option “Show hidden files and folders” click “ok”.

2. Delete Windows Live Contacts folder :

2. a. Click on “Start”; double click on “My computer”
2. b. Browse to the location

Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\\Local settings\Application Data\Microsoft

Windows Vista:
C:\Users\\App Data\Local\Microsoft

2. c. Delete “Windows live contacts folder” completely.

Note: Ensure to exit Windows live Messenger from the task manager before deleting Windows live contacts cache folder, otherwise you will get an error prompting that you can’t delete the folder .

2. d. Try signing into Windows Live Messenger.

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